Friday, February 6, 2009

Unlike the Pro Bowl, we don't stand a chance of getting blacked out in Hawaii this WEEKEND LINKAGE

Where to start, where to start with this one... Oh yeah, how about this???


I know, I know, it's cliched and over done by now, but seriously what other city can lay claim to having 6 Lombardi Trophies, and what other blog provides you with the best links to get you through the weekend???

That's what I thought, and here are the links to getting you through to the Pens game Sunday where they try to continue their winning ways of late against hated Marian Hossa (let your true feelings for him out in the COMMENTS) and the Detroit Red Wings in a rematch of last season's Lord Stanley's Cup Finals. (12:30 on the Peacock)

-Peyton Manning just got himself a trip down the Highway to Hell.

-The AFC's 2.5-point favorites in Sunday's Pro Bowl.

-Bill Gates tries to spread the love by spreading some Malaria... not really, but just read it.

-Andy Rooney might just have well burned his ticket.

-You can now pay for the privilege to watch Joe Buck be horrible.

-WDIV (Detroit's NBC affiliate) tells it like it is. And, NBC says "Oh no you di-hn't girl!".

-Tell us how you really feel Mike Patrick.

-A list of remaining MLB free agents. (Pirates fans need not take note)

-Could Screech make it in the WWE?

-Liar, liar, now Coach Urban's gonna make you pay!!!

-Be glad you don't goto Gannon.

-Goin' on down to Nats-Town.

-If you wondered what the NFL does with those shirts that said "AFC Champion Baltimore Ravens and Super Bowl Champion Arizona Cardinals," (like they should have even wasted their time and effort), but here's your enlightenment.

-And finally, you say nothing in life is free, right? Well, Denny's Restaurants proved us wrong earlier this week, and I'm about to share something with you to prove you wrong once again. There's this DJ from Pittsburgh you might have heard of in the past known as Girl Talk, and my friend had sent me a link a while back to download all the tracks to his latest works called "FEED THE ANIMALS." In my boredom from the joblessness, I took an hour and gave the tracks a listen, and I must say it's some pretty sweet stuff. So here's the link to download the tracks, and the great thing is it's free. It says to suggest a price, and you enter "0" in that price area, and when it asks why (it gives you options) just give whatever you feel like.

1 comment:

Trick said...

Girl Talk is a dude named Greg Gillis he went to my high school. pretty sweet eh huha.